The"Coro Polifonico Universitario" of Naples- Italy
The University Polyphonic Choir (UPC), a Neapolitan non-profit cultural association, was founded by professor at Federico II University Gennaro Luongo a choir Master, Joseph Grima, in 1992.
This choir consists of about 30 fellows, mainly students, but also including foreign participants of the ERASMUS project, teachers, professors and also non-teaching staff from the other five Neapolitan Universities, who share the same passion for music and song. Master Antonio Spagnolo has been its Artistic Director since November 1999. Since 1993, the CPU has held many sacred and profane concerts. It has sung in several entertainments with the orchestra Nuova Scarlatti and the orchestra Discantus Ensemble, both in Naples and in other Italian cities. The UPC recorded for the Sunday Concert of the ZDF (Germany), it performed the first modern version of F. Durante’s Missa Pastoralis.
It performed a concert, in Pope’s presence, on the Jubilee of the Universities, together with other university choirs coming from several foreign countries, in an Eucharistic celebration in St. Peter’s Square telecasted worldwide by RAI (2000) and it sang during the World Days of University Culture in 2001 and in 2007.
It took part in XI International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music with Petr Eben’s Prize in Prague in 2001, it won the bronze medal.
Since 1999 it has performed concerts on “Maggio dei Monumenti” organized by the Neapolitan municipal administration. In 2005 it took part in the II edition of “Voci nel Chiostro” organized by Association “A. Scarlatti” and in the “Ravello Festival”. It performed several concerts for the Pellegrini’s Archconfraternity. It performed on two occasions of the “Tutt’In Coro” show organized by The New Orchestra “A. Scarlatti” in the RAI Auditorium in Fuorigrotta (Naples).
The choir, among its institutive aims, promotes cultural activities with the student Association “MusiCanto” of the University of Naples “Federico II” and it was asked for performing concerts on several National and International Scientific Meetings.
It pursues also social activities with benefit concerts for several Neapolitan Organizations and Bodies.
Since some years its concerts are characterized by a careful search in the integration of the different forms of artistic expression, by combining, from time to time, with music a reflection about the Neapolitan cultural traditions and the story of the city, the knowledge of the historic artistic products of the places where the concerts are performed and the poetic references of the musical proposal.
She qualified in piano under the direction of Marisa Carretta, she practised choral direction at the Conservatory in Naples and she has performed concerts both as a piano soloist and in several chamber concerts. For several years she was a docent of the course on “Approaching to Music” at the People’s University of Naples, she devoted herself to the study of the organ and to music composition. She has held the role of Rehearsal Director of the most important Neapolitan choirs, such as “I Cantori di Posillipo” and the polyphonic choir of the Basilica of Santa Maria di Piedigrotta for many years. During her intense activity, she performed the most beautiful and exacting musical pieces of choral repertory.
At the moment she is the Rehearsal Master of the University Polyphonic Choir Federico II in Naples directed by M° Antonio Spagnolo. Thus she attended, among other things, the International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music with Petr Eben’s Prize in Prague and the Musical Festival in Ravello, in 2005.
As an artistic director of the Association “Libenti Animo” and as a Master of the homonymous gospel choir, she has made herself appreciated thanks to many concert performances. As a token of her great passion for choral rehearsal she took care and directed more than one thousand children who took part in a Christmas show in Plebiscito Square in Naples in 2000.
At the moment she is the pianist of the trio “Sybillae Vocis” and she performed a lot of concerts with them in very important events, such as, recently, at the “Teatrino di Corte” at the Royal Palace in Naples.
He qualified in singing, he studied Composition and Choral Direction under the guidance of M° Enrico Buondonno.
He attended the direction courses “R. Goitre” and the seminars of the group “Pro Cantione Antiqua” in London.
Since 1984 he has directed the choir “Ensemble Vocale di Napoli” and in this role he won the XII International Competition “Guido D’Arezzo” and twice he won the International Choral Singing Exhibition in Alghero.
He was part of the Judging Commission of the International Festival of Choral Singing in Alghero, after being given a prize with the Silver Diapason in 1991.
He collaborated with R. De Simone, A. Florio, S. Accardo, R. Clemencic, P. Maag, M. Pradella, V. Spivakov. He took part in the concert seasons of RAI in Naples, of the Association “A. Scarlatti” in Naples and of “Sferisterio” in Macerata.
He collaborated to the realization of Mozart’s “Requiem” with the “Scala di Milano” orchestra.
In Novembre 1998 he directed D. Scarlatti’s “Messa di Santa Cecilia” for soloists, choir and orchestra in the first Neapolitan performance under the guidance of the Professors of the Scarlatti Orchestra.
Since November 1999 he has been the Artistic Director of the University Polyphonic Choir and since 2002 of the International Choral Festival “Napolifestival – Voci nel Sole”.
With the University Polyphonic Choir he performed, absolutely for the first time, A. Scarlatti’s “Passione secondo Giovanni”. In May 2003 he directed “Dixit Dominus” and “Laudate Pueri” by G. F. Haendel for the Scarlatti Association in the first performance in Naples.
He carries on an intense didactic and singing diffusion activity with the UPC and the choral group “Regesta Cantorum” in Piedimonte Matese.
In 2007 he took a tournèe to China with the pianist Michele Campanella. He took part in the Ravello Festival and in the two editions of “Tutt’in coro” organized with the collaboration of the New Scarlatti Orchestra.